Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

About This Collection

The purpose of this collection is to explore the many facets of Corporate Social Responsibility by listening to the wide range of voices addressing CSR. There are other EarthSayers collections that can prove helpful to include the series to include: 3BL Media, the CSR Minute and Report, as well as the events International Corporate Citizenship, Canadian Business for Social Responsibility, and the Corporate Citizenship Film Festival.

There are interconnections between CSR and both social and environmental sustainability with the broad concept of sustainability encompassing people, planet, and prosperity.

Curated by mokiethecat

The Hearth of the Community - Iziko Labahlali

Creating the mindset to create real and lasting change working with Mothers, Children and Youth in disadvantaged communities to create real change through empowerment and the knowledge that each of us is important, that each of us count. Warren Te Brugge is the founder of the Foundation, My Arms Wide Open which supports rural villages in his native South Africa. Warren is a consultant and the principal of Manzimvula, a certified B-Corp. 

EarthSayer Warren Te Brugge

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