Investing and Sustainability

About This Collection

Responsible investment is the basis of this collection focusing on those investors, of all sizes, embracing sustainability principles and practices integrating people, the environment, and prosperity into their investment strategies. 

Many of the videos in this collection come from interviews conducted at annual Ceres conferences. The Ceres investor Network represents the move towards social and environmental investing sometimes referred to as "impact investing."

The Global Impact Investing Network is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing.

Social Responsible Investing (SRI) another useful term and, as noted in Wikipedia, "is also known as sustainable, socially conscious, green or ethical investing. Basically we look at is investment strategy which seeks to consider both financial return and social good."

The Global Reporting Initiative, GRI, is a non-profit organization that works towards a sustainable global economy by providing sustainability reporting guidance. In short, the group working towards a measurement that incorporates social, environmental and economic elements. Investors look to GRI reports for risk assessment purposes.

Curated by mokiethecat

Financing the Energy Frontier for Anchorage | Green Banks

Financing the Energy Frontier for Anchorage | PGS Capstone Showcase Fall 2019

From the December 2019 Capstone Showcase, this team of Presidians assessed a green investment bank model as a means to address the Municipality of Anchorage’s climate goals and analyzed several possible legal structures, leveraging multi-sector partnerships. Presented by Melanie Lucas-Conwell (MBA), Sarah Nelson (MBA), and Monica Pandele (MBA, MPA). About Presidio Graduate School: PGS is an accredited, nonprofit graduate school founded in 2003, offering several unique degree programs — three MBAs, the only sustainable MPA, and one of the only Dual MBA/MPAs — as well as several certificates, all taught with our systems-thinking methodology at the core. The premise we adhere to is that real change happens at the intersection between private enterprise and the public sector, and across commerce, and the common good. Learn more about PGS, our mission, and our programs at presidio.edu or call us at 415-561-6555.