Annie Leonard

About This Collection

Annie Leonard is an American proponent of sustainability and critic of excessive consumerism.

Leonard is best known as the creator and narrator of the animated documentary about the life-cycle of material goods, The Story of Stuff (2007). The documentary began as an hour-long talk and was made into a condensed film version based on popular demand. She also published a book version of the film.

After The Story of Stuff, she created Story of Cap and Trade in 2009, which is on the topic of emissions trading, as well as, in 2010, The Story of Bottled Water, The Story of Cosmetics and The Story of Electronics. In March 1, 2011, Leonard released The Story of Citizens United v. FEC and later that year, The Story of Broke.


Curated by mokiethecat

The Story of Electronics (2010)

The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.

Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, which promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.

EarthSayer Annie Leonard

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