Wisdom from the Origins: The Mayan Calendar and Other Prophecies on the Future of Humanity was held on September 13-17, 2012, in Albuquerque, New Mexico and was hosted by the SEED Graduate Institute
This special collection highlights the work of presenters at the conference and is intended to introduce you to their thinking, teachings, and practice.
Curated by mokiethecat
Mamo's Gift: The Law of Origin by Sequoyah Trueblood Pt. 1 of 3
Language of the breadth of life. Sequoyah Trueblood speaks candidly of his experiences with the Mamos, or spiritual elders of the high mountains of Colombia. He was accompanied by James O'Dea, one of the great peacemakers of our time. Together they are present to Sing a revered Mamo back to life, whereupon he blesses Sequoyah with a transmission of Peace in the Heart to carry back to the North and out into the world. Part II here.
The Foundation for Global Humanity is grateful for this opportunity to film Sequoyah at the Shift Retreat at IONS in Northern California in June 2011. With deep respect, we present this sacred story from Sequoyah Trueblood, accompanied by James O'Dea.