Climate Change

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What is climate change? A definition from the Department of Ecology of Washington State reads: Climate includes patterns of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and seasons. It affects more than just a change in the weather and refers to seasonal changes over a long period of time. These climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them.

It may be used inter-changably with global warming as they’re closely related. Global warming causes climates to change. Here is NASA discussion on the two terms, What's In A Name?

We recommend you listen and learn which is the best advice we can give to begin to understand the challenges before us.

Curated by mokiethecat

Launching a New Solution to De-risk Carbon Markets | The World Bank Group at COP29

High-integrity carbon markets have the potential to deliver an impactful triple bottom-line – imperative climate action, development outcomes, and private capital mobilization. Unfortunately, these markets are suffering from a significant trust deficit. For over 35 years, MIGA’s guarantees have bred trust. Join us for the launch of MIGA’s letter of authorization template administered by the WBG Guarantee Platform, a public good for securing insurability rights and standardizing host government commitments to investors. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/LhvV50U3qbW @MIGAWorldBank

- Hiroshi Matano, Executive Vice President, MIGA, World Bank Group
- Benedict Chia, Director-General, National Climate Change Secretariat, Singapore
- Dirk Forrister, President and CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
- Marie Owens Thomsen, Senior Vice President, International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- Francesco La Camera, Director General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- Margaret Kim, Chief Executive Officer, Gold Standard
- Moderator: Ethiopis Tafara, Vice President & Chief Finance, Risk, Legal and Sustainability Officer, MIGA

The World Bank Group at COP29 | A livable planet with clean energy, more resilient communities, and stronger economies is possible. The World Bank Group is committed to making it a reality—and ensuring that climate change doesn’t delay much-needed development and worsen quality of life. Join us live in Baku at the World Bank Group Pavilion, in partnership with the IMF and the FT, and online. http://wrld.bg/hk5E50U3qi5 #cop29

ABOUT THE WORLD BANK � The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org

EarthSayers Dirk Forrister; Marie Owens Thomsen

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