Innovation and Sustainability

About This Collection

Generally innovation in the context of sustainability focuses on the conversations around the role of innovation by business leaders who advocate the development of sound business models to encourage investment in new products and services. Many products, but not all, are focused on renewable energy, another EarthSayers.tv Special Collection.

This collection addresses other emerging markets in diverse industries ranging from agriculture to information technology to biotechnology as well as beauty and wellness. Sustainability calls on us to consider innovation more broadly to include not just the technical, but the social and environmental as well.  Innovation may be found in conversations around ethical sourcing, social innovation, and in the role of the social entrepreneur.

Curated by mokiethecat

Innovate to Meet the Challenge of Conservation by Jim Levitt

From the creation of the Boston Common in 1634 to the emergence of cross-boundary, large-landscape conservation initiatives in the 21st century, innovators have risen to address seemingly intractable land, water and biodiversity conservation challenges. It will require our best talent, technology, financial tools and social innovation techniques to tackle today's global conservation challenges. What makes for innovation? Five attributes: initiatives characterized by
Novel/Creativeness in conception, strategic or cultural significance, measuarble effecitvness; transferability to jurisdications around the world; and endur for not just years but decades perhaps centuries.

Jim Levitt is the director of the Program on Conservation Innovation at the Harvard Forest, Harvard University and a fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

EarthSayer Jim Levitt

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