People | Culture & Consciousness

Finding Emotional Resilience in These Troubled Times

How do you grapple with bigger, deeper issues like catastrophic climate change? Author Carolyn Baker and video producer Ivey Cone join Janaia in a wide-ranging conversation about keeping our hearts open while witnessing the crumbling of industrial civilization. We discuss tools for holding our center, supporting each other, gratitude, and witnessing the powers of the universe at work. For Carolyn, grieving is the most important work now. She sees grieving as the other side of gratitude and love. Ivey constantly asks herself, "what is relevant?" to be doing or being. Janaia ponders what the legacy of the human experiment might be, in the vast story of Earth. Episode 300 of Peak Moment. [carolynbaker.net, youtube.com/fukicafe]

Published on Jan 17, 2016

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EarthSayersCarolyn Baker; Ivey Cone
OrganizationsPeak Moment
EarthSayers RatingHighly recommended
CountryUnited States
Member of Special CollectionCulture and Consciousness
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