Resiliency and Communities

About This Collection

Community resiliency is the capability of a community to use available resources to respond to, withstand and recover from adaverse situtions. As Dr. Judith Rodin points out, "...that we as a global community have been spending billions in a paradigm that is predicated on disaster recovery and repair rather than one that is based on readiness, preparedness and prevention."  Resiliency is a quality of sustainability.

Curated by mokiethecat

When Disaster Strikes by Manolia Charlotin

A wide range of experts from the fields of global health, NGOs and journalism, as well as citizens and volunteers explore the collaboration and tension between journalists and public health workers at times of crisis.

When Disaster Strikes: Reporting and Responding

The second panel focused on immediate crisis response and was moderated by Jon Simon, Director of the Center for Global Health. Manolia Charlotin is the editor and business manager of the Boston Haitian Reporter, 

Hosted by Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Center for Global Health and Development, College of Communication, and School of Public Health on April 14, 2011

EarthSayer Manolia Charlotin

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