Portland Sustainability Leaders

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Business and civic leaders, experts, teachers, students, and citizens from all walks of life contributing to the leadership of Portland, Oregon as the most sustainability conscious city in the United States.

Curated by mokiethecat

What Is Community Rights Movement by Paul Cienfuegos

This video was updated with more current contact information that is contained below.

The national Community Rights movement represents a local level cultural and legal strategy for communities, both conservative and progressive, to begin to dismantle corporate rule from the local up!  If you're a single issue activist, as Paul Cienfeugos was for decades, using conventional methods, mostly regulatory hearings, protest marches, petitions, lawsuits, etc, it's time to recognize corporate harms as merely symptoms of allowing corporations to claim constitutional "rights", sometimes referred to as corporate personhood. 

Join with Community Rights activists, be trained and guided, to pass enforceable laws that prohibit harms, by reigning in corporate "rights". Join 200 communities in nine states which have already done so. Paul Cienfuegos offers his knowledge and expertise as a leader in the Community Rights movement. His email address is Paul@CommunityRights.US. For a selection of Paul and others' writings, interviews, and speeches, and for more info on bringing Paul or other resource people to your community or registering for an upcoming teleconference workshop, go to www.CommunityRights.US 

Interview and filmed by Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) with help of Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv and Tom Hopkins of Sustainable Today in October, 2012.

EarthSayer Paul Cienfuegos

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