Design and Architecture

About This Collection

Incorporates all aspects of Design, especially Architecture, organized under the element of social sustainability. 

Curated by mokiethecat

Redesigning the Fashion Industry | The Story of The Jeans Redesign
August 12, 2022

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation's 2017 report ‘A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning fashions future’ found that a truckload of garments goes to landfill or incineration, globally, every single second. The fashion industry follows a take-make-waste formula - we take from the earth, make a product and when we’re done with it, we throw it away. The fashion industry cannot continue in this way - it’s wasteful and polluting. It needs a redesign.

Transforming fashion towards a circular economy requires new ways to create and make clothes and The Jeans Redesign provides the perfect starting point - redesigning this iconic fashion staple using circular design principles. Guidelines set out by the Foundation alongside over 80 denim industry experts ensure that jeans are used more, made to be made again, and made from safe and recycled or renewable inputs. The Jeans Redesign is creating solutions for a world where clothes never become waste by bringing together 100 brands, mills and manufacturers to design and make products fit for a circular economy, today.

Find out more about the Jeans Redesign project at https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/our-work/activities/make-fashion-circular/projects/the-jeans-redesign

Thank you for watching this video. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK charity that develops and promotes the idea of a circular economy, which - driven by design, eliminates waste and pollution, circulates products and materials, and regenerates nature.

Subscribe to The Ellen MacArthur Foundation for more insightful videos -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQAC2otE5_agzHZPnk3mE5w?sub_confirmation=1

Find out more about our work here: www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org

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