Equal Rights for Women and Girls

About This Collection

Equal Rights for Women is a major category, like energy or climate change, of sustainability and the voices in this collection are of the present and the past.

If we don't address human rights and social justice of which the sustainability keywords and phrases include children's rights and welfare; human trafficking, slavery, and women's rights and roles, then as David Korten points out, we will not be able to come to terms with the limits of the planet and not even technology will be able to save us. 


Curated by mokiethecat

Fostering gender equality and empowerment by the IDA

In the poorest countries, gender inequities acutely limit opportunities for girls and women. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are among the most effective ways to combat poverty, hunger, and disease and to stimulate development that is truly sustainable. 

IDA, the World Bank's Fund for the Poorest, has been working to expand girls' access to education and to create other opportunities for empowerment. As the largest source of concessional finance for low-income countries, IDA plays a critical role in investing in women's health and education and ensuring their equal access to economic opportunities. IDA is having a tangible impact on the ground in developing countries. Published on Oct 31, 2012