Equal Rights for Women and Girls

About This Collection

Equal Rights for Women is a major category, like energy or climate change, of sustainability and the voices in this collection are of the present and the past.

If we don't address human rights and social justice of which the sustainability keywords and phrases include children's rights and welfare; human trafficking, slavery, and women's rights and roles, then as David Korten points out, we will not be able to come to terms with the limits of the planet and not even technology will be able to save us. 


Curated by mokiethecat

Disrupting the Narrative: Unlocking Stories of Diversity in Tech

Published on Sep 29, 2016

Black and Latino students earn about 18% of computer science bachelors degrees, but make up only about 5% of the tech workforce at the industry's leading companies. Media coverage has been a critical component in the effort to diversify tech, shining a spotlight on low numbers of minorities employed at tech companies and what companies are doing to address it. Join us as New America CA Fellow Laura Weidman Powers, co-founder and CEO of CODE2040, asks leading journalists in the field to talk about how they see their role, what they choose to cover, and the future of diversity in the tech industry.


Ellen Huet
Tech Reporter, Bloomberg

Jessica Guynn
Senior Tech Writer, USA Today

Laura Weidman- Powers
Co-founder & CEO, CODE2040
New America CA Fellow

Megan Rose Dickey
Reporter, TechCrunch

EarthSayers Jessica Guynn; Megan Rose; Laura Weidman- Powers

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