Peak Moment

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Peak Moment TV

Ride an electric bike. Tour a permaculture back yard garden. In each episode of Peak Moment TV, Janaia Donaldson hosts practical grass roots entrepreneurs who are exploring locally reliant lifestyles to meet these challenging times.  Peak Moment TV is cross-pollinating the most challenging shift in human history - an energy transition away from fossil fuels to sustainable living.



Curated by mokiethecat

101 Solutions to Global Climate Change by Guy Dauncey

Peak Moment 26: Author Guy Dauncey's lively, optimistic solutions for Peak Oil and climate crisis are do-able here and now. Conservation, efficiency, proven technologies, and emerging innovations will take us through this critical planetary energy transition. More information on this segment. Guy Dauncey is author of Stormy Weather:

EarthSayers Guy Dauncey; Janaia Donaldson

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