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Governing Climate-Altering Technologies in the Arctic with Sir David King (Part 2)

Prominent scientist, Sir David King – former chief scientific adviser to the UK government from 2013-2017 – talks to the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G) about how research on climate-altering technologies in the Arctic might be governed. Sir David King joined two sessions hosted by C2G on October 10th at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly, where scientists, policy experts, indigenous activists, youth representatives, and other civil society representatives explored some of the toughest questions facing decision-makers today as they contemplate the future of the Arctic. Learn more here.

EarthSayer Sir David King
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Prayer Vigil, Juneteenth, Portland, Oregon

Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance sponsored a prayer vigil at Terry Schrunk Plaza, across from City Hall, on Juneteenth, a day to commemorate emancipation from slavery in Texas on that day, June 19th in 1865. This film observes the 8 minutes, 46 seconds of silence and we suggest our viewers take the opportunity to reflect on the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, when Minneapolis police officers took a series of actions that violated the policies of the Department.  The situation turned fatal, leaving Mr. Floyd unable to breathe, even as he and onlookers called out for help. Participating clergy included: Rabbi Ariel Stone, Shir Tikvah and PDX Interfaith Clergy Resistance; Rev. Jon Aney, United Church of Christ; Rabbi Debra Kolodny, Portland United Against Hate; Rev. Aric Clark (he/his); and Davina Bookbinder, Rabbinical Student

EarthSayers Rev. Jon Aney; Rabbi Ariel Stone
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Interfaith Voices: Call to Inclusion More Details
A Modern Pioneer in the Cherokee Nation (Wilma Mankiller)

Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Wilma Mankiller, Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation from 1983-1995. Ms. Mankiller (1945-2010) discusses her experiences as related in her book, "Mankiller: A Chief and Her People." She describes her early political activism as well as her eventual return to her home (Oklahoma) which led to her involvement in the Cherokee tribe. Also includes her election as tribal chief as well as her time in office, and, now that she is stepping down, her reflections on the experience. (1994 Interview)

EarthSayer Wilma Mankiller
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Trudell (2005 Documentary)

Trudell is a 2005 documentary film about American Indian activist and poet John Trudell. The film traces Trudell's life from his childhood in Omaha, Nebraska, through his role as a leader of the American Indian Movement. It also covers his rebirth as a musician and spoken word poet after his wife died in a house fire suspected as arson. Heather Rae produced and directed the film, which took her more than a decade to complete. Trudell aired nationally in the U.S. on April 11, 2006 as part of the Independent Lens series on PBS. Actor: Robert Redford, Kris Kristofferson, Sam Shepard Director: Heather Rae

Visit John Trudell's first CD, HeartTaker, Owl Dance Song, on YouTube here.

EarthSayer John Trudell
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Artists and Musicians More Details
Climate Change and Sustainability with Sanna Marin
In this behind-the-scenes look at Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin's visit to Columbia, as part of a World Leaders Forum event, students and faculty reflect on the "extraordinary experience" of meeting a sustainability leader. The event was hosted by Alex Halliday, director of Columbia’s Earth Institute, and moderated by Karenna Gore, director of the Center for Earth Ethics at the University’s Union Theological Seminary.

For years now, Columbia has been tackling the issue of climate change. From cutting edge research to grassroots student movements, Columbia on Climate is a new series that highlights how climate and sustainability remain a central focus of the University community.
EarthSayers Molly Dunton; Sanna Marin; Nate Wagner
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Covering Climate Now: Alexandria Villaseñor, Youth Climate Activist
News media can no longer be complacent when it comes to climate change. Over 150 media outlets have joined Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation to commit for one week from 9/16 - 9/23 to report on how our actions have been devastating to our planet. Alexandria Villaseñor, a teenage climate activist, shares her perspective. See CJR's full series here: https://www.cjr.org/covering_climate_now/
EarthSayer Alexandria VillaseƱor
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
20 Years in Jail for Humanitarian Aid? Scott Warren

Scott Warren Provided Food & Water to Migrants in Arizona; He Now Faces Up to 20 Years in Prison.

Democracy Now! Published on May 29, 2019

An Arizona humanitarian aid volunteer goes to trial today for providing water, food, clean clothes and beds to two undocumented migrants crossing the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona. If convicted, Scott Warren could spend up to 20 years in prison. Warren, an activist with the Tucson-based No More Deaths, is charged with three felony counts of allegedly “harboring” undocumented immigrants. For years, No More Deaths and other humanitarian aid groups in southern Arizona have left water and food in the harsh Sonoran Desert, where the temperature often reaches three digits during summer, to help refugees and migrants survive the deadly journey across the U.S. border. Warren was arrested on January 17, 2018, just hours after No More Deaths released a report detailing how U.S. Border Patrol agents had intentionally destroyed more than 3,000 gallons of water left out for migrants crossing the border. The group also published a video showing border agents dumping out jugs of water in the desert. Hours after the report was published, authorities raided the Barn, a No More Deaths aid camp in Ajo, where they found two migrants who had sought temporary refuge. We speak with Scott Warren and his fellow No More Deaths volunteer and activist Catherine Gaffney in Tucson.


EarthSayer Scott Warren
Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection No More Deaths More Details
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) by Stephanie Kelton

Left Out: [FULL EPISODE] Stephanie Kelton on MMT and debunking budget deficit myths, March 8, 2018

In this episode, Professor Kelton debunks budget deficit and government spending myths, and explains why understanding how our monetary system works is crucial to making the political and economic case for important programs like universal health care, free public higher education, infrastructure investment, and more. We also explore some current economic issues, including how we might be able to cancel all public and private student debt in the U.S., and lastly the role and challenges of women in economics.

Stephanie Kelton is a leading American economist and a Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University. Kelton was Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee and Economic Advisor to the Bernie 2016 presidential campaign. She's most known for being a pioneer of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

EarthSayer Stephanie Kelton
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) by Stephanie Kelton

Left Out: [FULL EPISODE] Stephanie Kelton on MMT and debunking budget deficit myths, March 8, 2018

In this episode, Professor Kelton debunks budget deficit and government spending myths, and explains why understanding how our monetary system works is crucial to making the political and economic case for important programs like universal health care, free public higher education, infrastructure investment, and more. We also explore some current economic issues, including how we might be able to cancel all public and private student debt in the U.S., and lastly the role and challenges of women in economics.

Stephanie Kelton is a leading American economist and a Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University. Kelton was Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee and Economic Advisor to the Bernie 2016 presidential campaign. She's most known for being a pioneer of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

EarthSayer Stephanie Kelton
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
The Public Purse by Stephanie Kelton

June 18, 2018

As part of the lecture series between UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and the British Library, Stephanie Kelton speaks on why a government budget should not be looked at in the same way as a household budget.

Drawing on her experience as the Chief Economist on the US Senate Budget Committee, Stephanie Kelton gives a beginner’s class on public deficits and what (almost) everyone is missing in the debate over the government’s budget. Is the government’s budget really just like a family budget? (Teaser: It’s not!) What is the purpose of budgeting anyway? Is it to balance spending and revenue, or is targeting a balanced budget the wrong goal altogether? Is the British government living beyond its means?

Stephanie outlines a new way of understanding deficits, debt, taxes, the relationship between the public and private sectors, and what our economy could look like. Turning the public budget into a participatory, mission-oriented endeavor is critical to restructuring public services and public investment and building the kind of economy that will deliver a cleaner, safer, more secure future for all.

Rethinking Public Value and Public Purpose in 21st Century Capitalism is a lecture series presented by UCL’s new Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose in collaboration with the British Library. 

EarthSayer Stephanie Kelton
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details

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