People | Culture & Consciousness

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Three Cups of Tea
Greg Mortenson, humanitarian and author of the New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time. The importance of literacy and the education of children, especially girls in Pakistan.
EarthSayer Greg Mortenson
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Launching of Kiva.Org

Matt and Jessica Flannery, co-founders of Kiva.org, talk about how and why they launched Kiva, the very successful and inspiring online micro-lending venture. Their mission is to help make the world in 2017 better than we can even imagine today.

EarthSayers Jessica Flannery; Matt Flannery
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Social Entrepreneurs and Their Causes
Short clip of two social entrepreneurs, Randy Paynter from care2.com and Mark Bachman from Better the World talking about their organizations at the SOCAP09 conference September 2009 in San Francisco, California.
EarthSayers Mark Bachman; Randy Paynter
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The World's Deepest Bin

This is one in a series of ideas at http://www.thefuntheory.com asking the question, "Can we get more people to throw rubbish in the bin instead of onto the ground?" During one day 72 kg of rubbish was collected in this bin. See why and laugh.

This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Part of a Volkswagen Initiative that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do.  Part of a Volkswagen Initiative that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. It is also a competition sponsored by Volkswagon with a deadline of December 15, 2009.

Date unknown Format Competition
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Piano Stairs

This is one in a series of three videos at http://www.thefuntheory.com.

It asks the question, can we get more people to choose the stairs by making it fun to do? Yes, 66% more people took the stairs and you really need to see why. Escalators consume an enourmous amount of energy.

This site and series is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Part of a Volkswagen Initiative that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. It is also a competition sponsored by Volkswagon with a deadline of December 15, 2009.


Date unknown Format Competition
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Bottle Bank Arcade Machine

This is one in a series of ideas at http://www.thefuntheory.com, asking the question, can we change this attitude by making recycling glass fun to do?

This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Part of a Volkswagen Initiative that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. Part of a Volkswagen Initiative that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. It is also a competition sponsored by Volkswagon with a deadline of December 15, 2009.

Date unknown Format Competition
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Marketing Art Performances
Cutting traditional advertising budget investing more in digital as now 60% of ticket sales coming through Website and social networking especially Facebook (not just for young people anymore!). What is overlooked is what Mr. Kaiser calls institutional marketing which needs to be done explicitly and systematically.
EarthSayer Michael Kaiser
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 7 videos of 667 matching videos

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