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Eckhart Tolle on Consciousness and Wisdom in Digital Age

Eckhart Tolle in Conversation with Bradley Horowitz | Talks at Google

Uploaded on Feb 23, 2012

Eckhart Tolle stops by Google for a fireside chat with Bradley Horowitz. The subject is: "Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age."
EarthSayer Eckhart Tolle
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Sustainability Mindset More Details
Robin Kimmerer

Published on Mar 18, 2014

Dr. Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, writer and Distinguished Teaching Professor of Environmental Biology at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York and the founding Director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment whose mission is to create programs which draw on the wisdom of both indigenous and scientific knowledge for our shared goals of sustainability.
EarthSayer Robin Kimmerer, Ph.D.
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Robin Kimmerer, Ph.D. More Details
The Story of Women and the Land by Robin Kimmerer, Ph.D.

This video series captures moving and thoughtful reflections from the biennial Geography of Hope gathering in Point Reyes Station, California. Dr. Kimmerer's presentation is around the theme, "Mapping a New Geography of Hope: Women and the Land."Published on

Jul 27, 2015

To order her book, Braiding Sweetgrass, from Amazon click on the image or visit your local bookstore, or borrow from your library.

EarthSayer Robin Kimmerer, Ph.D.
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Robin Kimmerer, Ph.D. More Details
Indigenous Wisdom into Sustainability Education by Ilarion Merculieff

Published on Jan 5, 2016

Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways President Ilarion Larry Merculieff has over 40 years experience serving the Aleuts of the Pribilof Islands and other indigenous peoples. At the AASHE 2015 Conference & Expo he shared his perspective and vision for transforming sustainability education.
EarthSayer llarion Merculeiff
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Leadership Development More Details
Finding Emotional Resilience in These Troubled Times

How do you grapple with bigger, deeper issues like catastrophic climate change? Author Carolyn Baker and video producer Ivey Cone join Janaia in a wide-ranging conversation about keeping our hearts open while witnessing the crumbling of industrial civilization. We discuss tools for holding our center, supporting each other, gratitude, and witnessing the powers of the universe at work. For Carolyn, grieving is the most important work now. She sees grieving as the other side of gratitude and love. Ivey constantly asks herself, "what is relevant?" to be doing or being. Janaia ponders what the legacy of the human experiment might be, in the vast story of Earth. Episode 300 of Peak Moment. [carolynbaker.net, youtube.com/fukicafe]

Published on Jan 17, 2016

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EarthSayers Carolyn Baker; Ivey Cone
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
The Hope for Change: Ending 'Might Makes Right' by Leif Wenar

Published on Feb 15, 2016

An excerpt from the Leif Wenar speech of January 27th, 2016 based on his book, "Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence, and the Rules That Run the World." For more details on 'Might Makes Right' go to the Clean Trade site, here. Excerpted and curated by Ruth Ann Barrett for EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability.
EarthSayer Leif Wenar
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Clean Trade More Details
The Kimberley Process by Boite D'Or
The Biote D'Or experience with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). It is a control system established in 2003 to authenticate the provenance of diamonds. After it became known in the late 1990s that warring parties were abusing the trade with rough diamonds to fund their conflicts, this initiative was founded to put an end to the sale of so called blood or conflict diamonds. Today, more than 49 countries are part of the Kimberley Process, the European Community being counted as one member. The members commit themselves to strict rules and regulations to verifiably track the legitimate provenance of each diamond. Further detailed information about the Kimberley Process here.

RJC (Responsible Jewellery Council)
The Responsible Jewellery Council is a not-for-profit, standards setting and certification organisation. The RJC's Chain-of-Custody Certification for precious metals supports these initiatives and can be used as a tool to deliver broader Member and stakeholder benefit. Published on Nov 22, 2013

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ethical Sourcing More Details
Heroes and Villains by Renee Lertzman

Climate One asks Renee Lertzman, Ph.D. about whether there are heroes and villains in the

climate narrative. Published on Feb 10, 2016

Her book, Environmental Melancholia: Psychoanalytic dimensions of engagement (Psychoanalytic Explorations) is available from Amazon by clicking on the image or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.

EarthSayer Renee Lertzmann
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The Promise of Ethical Consumption from Ideas Matter

Uploaded on Nov 14, 2011

November 3, 2011 - Cambridge, MA
"Buy local," "buy green," "buy organic" . . . we cannot buy anything without considering its moral implications. How has consumption become suffused with right and wrong? How effective has the ethical-consumption movement been in changing market behavior?

Ideas Matter, a joint project of Boston Review and MIT's Political Science Department, is a lecture series that brings our writers together with other experts and practitioners for substantive debate on the challenges of our times.
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ethical Sourcing More Details
Joan Bavaria Award to Geeta Aiyer

Published on Jun 23, 2015

Geeta Aiyer, sustainable investing entrepreneur and Founder and President of Boston Common Asset Management, has been awarded the seventh-annual Joan Bavaria Award for Building Sustainability into the Capital Markets. The announcement was made at the Ceres Conference 2015.
EarthSayer Geeta Aiyer
Date unknown Format Awards
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ceres Annual Conferences More Details

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