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Our Cultures Our Rights
Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience since 1972.
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Jeanne Pelletier and Clementine Longworth Interviewed by Maria Campbell

In 2004, the Gabriel Dumont Institute brought together Metis Elders from across Saskatchewan to hear their stories and learn about their past. Maria Campbell interviewed Jeanne Pelletier and Clementine Longworth. They share stories about educational experiences, transportation, the Michif language, living on the Road Allowance, employment, hunting, fishing, food, celebrations such as Christmas and New Year's, dancing, fiddling, clothing, medicine, midwifery, the 1885 Resistance, Louis Riel, jigging, square dancing, and more! Visit here at Metis Museum for more resources on Métis history and culture!

EarthSayers Maria Campbell; Clementine Longworth; Jeanne Pelletier
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Grandmother's Little Butterfly

The passing on of indigenous knowledge and culture to a young girl by her mother. 

EarthSayers Emmary Elizondo; Tracey Moore; Teranne SpottedBear
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
An Open Conversation with Indigenous Peoples of Chile
Streamed live on Apr 21, 2018
Donate to the indigenous people of Chile! 100% of your donation goes to the people shown in this video. Use the donate button at http://www.GoldenDrum.org
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Indigenous peoples gather for annual forum at the United Nations
Published on Apr 17, 2018
Thousands of representatives of indigenous peoples from all over the world gather at the 17th UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Taking place in United Nations Headquarters in New York from 16 to 27 April, 2018 the Forum addresses a number of issues related to indigenous people rights.
EarthSayers Marian Wallet AboubaKrine; Indi Iaku Sigindioy Chindoy; Tai Pelli
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Julia in the Storm
Published on Dec 23, 2010
Julia Butterfly Hill climbed a 2000 year old redwood in Northern California and lived in its branches for over 2 years to save it from the chainsaws of a logging company. Her first winer she was nearly killed as a terrible storm raged through her tiny perch. Julia describes the horror, and the life lessons, of those terrifying hours.
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Julia Butterfly Hill More Details
Imminent Problem of Care for Creation by Rev. John Rausch

On Laudato Si' & the Imminent Problem of Care for Creation

On Care for Our Common Home

Interview with Father John Rausch of the Glenmary Home Missioners who speaks about Pope Francis' Papal Encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home (2015), and the imminent problem humanity faces with "care of creation." Father John explains its not an economic or ecological problem — its a spiritual one, with great consequences for the world's poor — and more so, for all of us. We are all connected, and only through good relations and a value system that builds community and the global commons can we save the Earth.

Climate change is real, and each one of us has a stake in our common future, and so we need to engage in dialogue, and more so, change our lifestyles. Father John is a Catholic Priest and environmental steward of the US Southern Appalacia Mountain region. He has worked actively to raise awareness and to stop the dangerous practice of mountain top mining that is destroying biodiversity and communities throughout the Southeastern states of the US.

EarthSayers John Rausch; Ashley Young
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Active Hope by Joanne Macy

'Active Hope," is the title of a new book by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone. In it, they eschew feel good denial, cynical disengagement and baseless optimism. In this talk, Macy summarized their message. As Macy and Johnstone wisely acknowledge, there are no comforting certainties involved in opting to work for change with ‘active hope:’ “…there are no guarantees that we’ll be able to turn things far or fast enough to safeguard our civilization, or indeed, to ensure the continued existence of conscious life on Earth. We will probably not know in our lifetimes whether we are serving as deathbed attendants to a dying world or as midwives to the next stage of human evolution.” But, act we must on the issues we care about. Taking their lead from Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone's new book Active Hope, Cynthia Papermaster and Harvey Wasserman organized this evening of multi-issue presentations, Januare 10, 2016 at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists.

Please click on the image to order the book from Amazon or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.

EarthSayer Joanne Macy
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Sports and Consciousness by Pete Carroll

One of only three coaches to win a Super Bowl and college football national championship, Pete Carroll is in his seventh year as head coach and executive vice president of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks following one of the most successful runs in the college football history while at USC. With his unique “Always Compete” philosophy and approach, Carroll has a combined 42 years of highly decorated NFL and collegiate coaching experience.

Pete was interviewed by transformational leadership consultant Joyce Anastasia.  

Subjects discussed include: Ability to communicate is an ongoing process of discovery to find the very best as a team and as individuals.  Relationship based approach to success, still challenging, many variables. Common language, commitment to the process. It is hard to do well all the time. All comes from discipline, but you don't have to approach leadership the same way we came to understand authoritarian way of leadership which is not the only way nor the most effective way for him.  

EarthSayer Pete Carroll
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Leadership Development More Details
Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! by Ernesto Sirolli

Published on Nov 26, 2012

When most well-intentioned aid workers hear of a problem they think they can fix, they go to work. This, Ernesto Sirolli suggests, is naïve. In this funny and impassioned talk, he proposes that the first step is to listen to the people you're trying to help, and tap into their own entrepreneurial spirit. His advice on what works will help any entrepreneur.

Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages here.
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details

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