People | Culture & Consciousness
Homeboy Joy Ride by Paul Steinbroner (trailer)

Homeboy Joy Ride, produced by Paul Steinbroner and David Okimoto, is directed by Paul Steinbroner, an accomplished filmmaker with over thirty years experience specializing in topics related to addiction, neuropharmacology, and brain chemistry. This film is one of six segments of the documentary series Called from Darkness. 

Homeboy Joy Ride trailer (3:07)

Download a Brief Overview of the film for more detail.

To buy a DVD of Homeboy Joy Ride visit Homeboy Industries online store here.

EarthSayersFr. Greg Boyle, S.J.; David Okimoto; Paul Steinbroner
OrganizationsHomeboy Industries; Touchpoint Productions
EarthSayers RatingHighly recommended
CountryUnited States
Member of Special CollectionCalled From Darkness
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