People | Human Rights/Social Justice

Youth Empowerment Message by Elder Dave Courchene

"Join those who have found their heart."

Elder Dave Courchene (Anishinnabe Nation*, Eagle Clan) talks with us on moving beyond selfishness, greed and need for power. We must return to the beginning and understand that we are spiritual beings that must be rooted in the land. In today's world we continue to support ideologies and concepts that separate us as the human family and help us destroy our home that we call Mother Earth. We are denying our young people their rights and he particularly addresses this issue and seek the guidance we need especially from our grandmothers. Published on Aug 14, 2015

"Anishinaabe or more properly Anishinaabeg or Anishinabek (which is the plural form of the word) is a collective term that refers to the Ojibway, Odawa and Algonkin Peoples, who all share closely related Algonquian languages."

EarthSayersDave Courchene
OrganizationsThe Turtle Lodge
EarthSayers RatingHighly recommended
Member of Special CollectionElder Dave Courchene
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