People | Human Rights/Social Justice
Violence Strikes 1 in 3 Women Globally by Jeni G. Klugman

Girls with little or no education are far more likely to be married as children, suffer domestic violence, live in poverty, and lack a say over household spending or their own health care than better-educated peers, which harms them, their children, and communities, a new report by the World Bank Group finds. Jeni Klugman is the Director of Gender and Development at the World Bank Group. In her current role, she acts as lead spokesperson for gender equality issues, and is responsible for promoting the institution’s gender and development priorities following the release of the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development. Published on May 14, 2014

EarthSayersJeni Klugman
OrganizationsWorld Bank
EarthSayers RatingHighly recommended
CountryUnited States
Member of Special CollectionEqual Rights for Women and Girls
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