People | Science & Education
Sacha Warmi Center and The Rights of Nature by Didier Lacaze

Didier Lacaze with Rosa Canalos (Kichwa) founded the Sacha Warmi Center—an educational resource that will serve many people—located on the outskirts of the Amazonian Rainforest in the Pastaza region of Ecuador. It is part of PROMETRA (Promoción de la Medicina Tradicional Amazónica), a local Ecuadorian initiative created in 2005 by Didier and Rosa who was born in the village of Canelos and is Didier's wife.

Didier was interviewed by videographer Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) as part of an online video campaign to increase the Indigenous Voices of Sustainability, co-sponsored by EarthSayers.tv, and focusing on wisdom keepers of Ecuador. Editing support by Norman Austin.

EarthSayersRosa Canalos; Didier Lacaze
OrganizationsSacha Warmi Center
EarthSayers RatingHighly recommended
Member of Special CollectionRights of Mother Earth
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