Exxon Valdez - 20 Years Later, Greg Palastgolefttv March 26, 2009Its been 20 years since the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilled into the Prince William Sound, and dumped almost 11 million gallons of oil into the water. But even after two decades of trials and environmental cleanup, conditions are still dismal for the residents who have been trying to get justice. And to make things even worse, we still don't have a full understanding of what really happened when the tanker hit the reef. And that's where our good friend and investigative reporter, Greg Palast comes in. Greg has been covering this story since the start, and it was the lack of real investigations and inquiries into this disaster that kickstarted his career in journalism. Ring of Fire's Mike Papantonio talks with Palast about the true history of the Exxon Valdez.
EarthSayersGreg Palast; Mike Papantonio
OrganizationsGolefttv.com; Ring of Fire Radio
EarthSayers RatingRecommended
CountryUnited States
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