
Apache Resistance At Oak Flat Against Arizona Copper Mine

Stand with us in joining the San Carlos Apache Nation to protect Oak Flat campground, a sacred Apache site in the Tonto National Forest in central Arizona.

International mining giant Rio Tinto's plans to develop a massive copper mine there would leave a depression in the ground the size of the Winslow meteor crater, drain the aquifer and destroy important streams, springs and wildlife habitat.

Oak Flat is also home to numerous species of wildlife, including an ocelot that was killed on a nearby road several years ago. The area was formally withdrawn from mining by presidential order 50 years ago, but Congress recently approved a land swap that allows the company to obtain private control of the land and evade environmental laws in the process.Published on Feb 10, 2015 by Center for Biological Diversity

OrganizationsCenter for Biological Diversity; San Carlos Apache Nation
EarthSayers RatingRecommended
CountryUnited States
Member of Special CollectionRights of Mother Earth
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