Rights of Mother Earth Conference, April, 2012

April 4-6, 2012, the Indigenous Environmental Network hIEN Poster for Conferenceosted a profound 3 day Rights of Mother Earth Conference at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas. This is one selection of a presentation from the conference. More conference coverage is available on the IENearth YouTube Channel.

This video addresses closing remarks of conference:
Domination of and the destruction of the values of the land can be seen when our Indigenous Knowledge is ignored or not shared by all. If people are given a choice based on the reality of what happens to our world when we disregard for the systems that sustain us and what would be if we return to the ancient knowledge that sustained the people of this hemisphere for thousands of years.



OrganizationsIndigenous Environmental Network
EarthSayers RatingHighly recommended
CountryUnited States


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